Over the weekend, my favorite event happened, mud volleyball. This is the one event on campus that I make sure to participate in every year. This year was a little bit different when it came to my team. Most years, I play with all of the girls on the lacrosse team but things have changed and it worked out for the better! During the first week of classes, I was asking all of my friends if we wanted to make a team. I got a lot of no but there were some people who were down to play. The team this year had my housemates, Alpha Xi girls, two of my softball friends, and my best friend. This team was a group of random people. I was so excited to play one last year. The women's division of mud volleyball starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday which was very early for everyone on the team. We had some girl who showed up late but everyone was able to make it. When we all got there, we all talked for a bit and made it clear that we wanted to win the whole thing. They announced who we were playing and